String Functions - Online String Manipulation Tools

URL-Decode A String

Enter the text to be URL-decoded, and then click "Decode!":

The decoded string:

Need to URL-Encode a String?


How To Use the URL-Decode A String Tool

This online URL-Decode A String tool is easy to use and very beneficial for your decoded string needs. To use this tool, enter the text that you would like to be decoded in the first empty box. After inserting this text, your decoded string will appear in the second box of the tool.

What Is URL Encoding?

URL-encoding is also known as Percent-encoding, and is a mechanism for encoding information in a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
Coding String Functions Read more about URL-encoding in Wikipedia

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Keywords: Len, size, count characters, chars, tool, on line, tech career tool.
String Manipulation For Programmers
For a comparison of string function notation in different programming languages such as Pascal, VB.NET, Perl, Java, C, C++, Ruby and many more, see the Wikipedia article Comparison Of Programming Languages (String Functions)

Quick Access Toolbar

Reverse A String
Calculate String Length
Word Count Tool
Count The Occurrences Of A Substring Within A String
Convert A String To Uppercase, Lowercase Or Proper Case
HTML-Encode A String
HTML-Decode A String
String To Hex Converter
Hex To String Converter
String To Binary Converter
Binary To String Converter
Decimal To Binary Converter
Binary To Decimal Converter
Decimal To Hex Converter
Hex To Decimal Converter
URL-Encode A String
URL-Decode A String
Convert Hex Values To RGB
Convert RGB Values To Hex
Base64-Encode A String
Base64-Decode A String
Character Encoder / Decoder
Character Encoding Errors Analyzer
Character Encoding Table Index
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